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No One Knows, Puisi Oleh Fransiskus Jemadi

Gambar Fransiskus Jemadi (Foto: Aldo Marung)

No one knows when it remains a mistery

When you go stray

Know that I am not okay

When life gets tougher

Lean on my shoulder 

You become the spotlight

Never loose your right

Be a woman of fight 

Shine through the dark of night 

Keep up the promise 

To make you alive

Keep up the faith 

To make you safe 

That's all I ask from you 

Be part or apart

None of us knows what

Life lays ahead of us

One thing for sure 

We will depart to where we came 

No one knows when 

It remains a mistery

Fransiskus Jemadi

Dosen Unika Santu Paulus Ruteng

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